
Join Wave Function Beta Test on

Wave Function is a puzzle game about quantum physics. You will do the double-slit experiment and adjust parameters; the interference stripes you produce will determine your score. You must satisfy brightness sensors with peaks and darkness sensors with valleys.

We are sending a few keys of Wave Function on to donators (Cache Miss & 宁伟) and certain friends who volunteer to help testing. While Wave Function is still early WIP, we are accepting backers on with password “iamwarnedalready”.

Like “Early Access” on Steam, now you have one more way to financially support us besides making a donation. We offer a humble price of $4.99 at this moment; it may be subject to changes in future.

If you choose to proceed to purchasing, please note that this project is a work-in-progress and the date/quality/etc of the formal release may probably fail to meet your expectations. You take full risk or making any premature purchase. As a paid customer, your rights to receive updates (if any will be made) is always equal to those who buy later.